Diagnostic and Medical Tests with utmost Accuracy



The SV Diagnostic Wellness Center features a pharmacy open 24 hours a day. The hospital Pharmacy is a modern facility that stocks branded drugs as well as an ample supply of all medicines. The pharmacy accepts credit card payments. Because the pharmacy is conveniently positioned in the hospital, there is no delay in providing medicines to patients, and patients' attendants do not have to leave their wards unattended while looking for a reputable pharmacy.


It quantifies the volume of urine discharged over time. The technique can help with clinical issues such as frequency and urgency incontinence, voiding trouble, hesitation, or difficulty maintaining the urine stream. We use a very sanitary technique and provide rapid and accurate reports in the shortest amount of time.

Electrocardiogram (ECG)

An electrocardiogram (ECG) is one of the most basic and quick procedures for evaluating the heart. The ECG is a valuable screening tool for a wide range of cardiac problems. ECG equipment is readily available at our hospital, as are other medical facilities, and the test is straightforward to do, risk-free, and inexpensive.


The Lab Services department includes a team of trained specialists who have a depth of experience to manage even the most unique and complex cases. The laboratory services range from simple blood tests like total cholesterol, Pap tests, and white blood cell counts to complicated gene-based, line probe assays, and microbiological identifications. The Department of Laboratory Services operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. At SV center, we also have a unique feature of collecting the samples at your doorstep.

Multi Superspeciality OPD

We offer sophisticated and personalized corporate health care, diagnostic services, and treatment for patients. It also comprises in-patient services including physicians and surgeons who care for inpatients on the ward and consult in the emergency department. The examination and treatment take place in the OPD before being admitted as an inpatient.


The hospital includes an in-house pantry service that meets the food and beverage needs of patients, visitors, and attendants. Understanding the significance of food safety and hygiene, we ensure that the facilities and food are kept as clean as possible by adhering to all food safety requirements. At the hospital, we serve healthy, nutritional, and sanitary food.


The Center of Nephrology at our center is composed of a team of specialists who work together to treat patients with the best possible care. The experts can provide accurate diagnosis and treatment, along with clinical consultation, in all aspects of kidney disease, water and electrolyte metabolism, bone and mineral metabolism disturbances, immunosuppression, hypertension, transplantation, and onconephrology, using a multidisciplinary approach. Our objective is to foster the use of cutting-edge technology in advanced kidney disease therapies, as well as individualized care for our patients who suffer from chronic kidney disease, end stage renal disease, and kidney failure. Our professionals are discovering innovative methods to recognize and treat chronic kidney disease using cutting-edge research and knowledge generation.


Urodynamics is the investigation of the function of the lower urinary tract- the bladder and urethra- using physical measurements such as bladder pressure and flow rate as well as clinical assessment. Urodynamic studies provide extremely valuable diagnostic data for any of the following bladder, dysfunctions: Urge Incontinence, Stress Frequency, Nocturia, Hesitancy, and all other Incontinence, Urinary Retention, Urinary storage and micturition issues. Typical urodynamic testing consists of uroflowmetry, filling cytometry, pressure-flow study, urethral pressure profiles (UPP), Valsalva leak point pressure (VLPP), and electromyography (EMG).

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